very local resident

Black Bittern

An extremely dark, medium-sized heron with a bold yellow neck stripe. The male’s upperparts are dull black, while the female’s are browner; below white-streaked rufous and black and grey belly. The immature is more streaked and the upperpart feathers have buff fringes.

Mottled Wood Owl

Sexes alike. Tawny-grey above, profusely mottled with black, white and buff; whitish facial disc, with narrow chocolate-black barrings forming concentric circles; white spots on crown , nape; whitish throat; buffy below, barred black. Solitary or in pairs; nocturnal, spends day in dense foliage of large trees; leaves roost after sunset.

Fire-capped Tit

A tiny, green and yellow tit, the male with a red crown and throat in breeding plumage. Green above with two thin, white wing bars. Deep yellow below in male, paler in female and almost white in juvenile. Beady black eyes and very short pointed bill.

Little Pied Flycatcher

Male is almost stark white above and black below; has long, broad white supercilium, white panels on wings and black tail. Female mostly grey-brown above and pale greyish below; female of eastern race australorientis has more rufous on rump and tail. Juvenile is spotted brown and buff. Can be seen singly, or in pairs; gregarious; often in mixed foraging flocks; arboreal; active hunter at canopy level.

White-bellied Drongo

Sexes alike, blackish-blue above; longish, forked tail; grey-brown throat, breast; white belly, under tail-coverts. Pairs or small bands of up to four birds, sometimes in association with other birds: arboreal and noisy; makes short flights after winged insects; often hunts till very late in evening.

Black-headed Cuckooshrike

Male: grey plumage; black head, wings, tail, the latter white-tipped, except on middle feathers; pale grey below breast, whiter on abdomen, vent. Female: brown plumage; whitish-buff below barred dark-brown till abdomen; lacks black head. Solitary or in pairs, only occasionally several together; often part of mixed-hunting bands; keep for most part to leafy, upper branches, probes the foliage for insects; methodically checks foliage before flying off.

Black-necked Stork

A very big, erect stork with red legs and a strong upturned black bill. Overall white with a glossy greenishblack head, neck and tail and white wings slashed with a dramatic black bar. Sexes alike, but males have dark irises while the females are yellow. Flies with long neck and legs outstretched.

Cinnamon Bittern

A small heron that is overall cinnamon-rufous in colour. The male is brighter with a rather pale throat and underparts. The female has a browner crown and mantle and a noticeably streaked neck, while the immature is even darker and more boldly streaked. Appears larger, plainer and more roundedwinged than the Yellow in flight.

Yellow Bittern

A small heron very similar to the Little but with a beige-brown back, black flight feathers, tail and crown that act as a contrast to the buff body. Rear neck is darker, and foreneck whiter with faint streaking. Female and immature have more rufous coloured streaking.

Striated Heron

Sexes alike. A grey, black and dark metallic green heron. Slaty-grey above, with a glossy green wash; white cheeks; very dark green forehead, crown, longish crest; grey head, neck; glossy green, grey and white in wings; white chin, centre of throat; ashy-grey below. Solitary, shy and sluggish; mostly crepuscular and nocturnal; sits patiently near water.
