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Posted By--Rajiv Roy
This is wonderful. Hope the campus issues a calendar based on these pictures. Happy to connect with birders on campus during my RU. Feb 20th to Feb 22nd 2024. my contact: +91 80973 19413
Posted By--sandip
I was under impression it was a hummingbird when I saw it.But actually not.thanks for sharing these beautiful pictures
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Nice website! A suggestion would be to include place and date of sightings which is a etiquette of birding.
Posted By--sathya
It's really exciting to see self motivated people towards documentation of birds in IITK campus. Informative and pleasing.
Displaying pictures of birds at institute website is something should be admired. All institutes should follow this step.
First of all thank you for making this website, surely it will help the bigenners like us. It will help to identify the right information about the birds. I want to ask that can we post pictures of bird's from KANPUR. At last I am hoping the knowledge will create many people into a true nature lover.
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What nice pic take by......
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Posted By--Rohit Kumar
Excellent photographs of Indian birds and the Flower pecker photograph is the one of the best. Thank U.
Posted By--Rakesh kumar
we salute you for your inspiring attempt , to give a better environment for study as well nature's ...................
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Great work. Love to see the nature around us.
Posted By--Saksham Thakur
excellent site
Posted By--g
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Its a Nice site