
Crested Hawk Eagle

Sexes alike, but female larger. Large, slender, crested forest eagle. Brown above; white underbody longitudinally streaked all over with brown; prominent occipital crest; the streaked whitish body, broad wings and long, rounded tail distinctive in flight. Solitary; occasionally a pair circles high over forests, especially when breeding; surveys for prey from high, leafy branches near forest clearings.

Tawny Eagle

Sexes alike, female slightly larger. Variable plumage; adults usually dark brown, with faint pale barrings on short rounded tail; holds tail straight and level with body when in flight; lacks dull white rump of most Spotted Eagles. Difficult to distinguish; solitary or several scattered; sits on ground for long periods eating
carrion or offal; lazy, low flight.

Long-legged Buzzard

A medium-sized, long-winged raptor, usually with an unbarred orange tail. Streaked sandy-brown overall. Larger and paler than Common, particularly on head and breast which contrast with darker reddish-brown belly. Very prominent black carpal patches, trailing edges and wingtips contrast with white, lightly barred flight feathers. Long bare yellow legs. Looks rangy in flight.

Short-toed Snake Eagle

A bulky raptor that is usually rather pale below; variable but most have closely barred, white underparts and underwings and a barred, squareended tail. No carpal patches and head to upper breast are often brown as upperparts. Large owl-like head, very evident yellow irises and grey legs. Some individuals even paler. Sexes alike.

Brahminy Kite

Sexes alike. White head, neck, upper back and breast; rest of plumage a rich and rusty-chestnut; brownish abdomen and darker tips to flight feathers visible mostly in flight. Juvenile is brown, like Black Kite, but with rounded tail. Solitary or small scattered parties; loves water; frequently scavenges around lakes and marshes; also around villages and towns.

White-eyed Buzzard

Sexes alike. Ashy-brown above; distinct throat, white with two dark cheek-stripes and a third stripe from chin; white nape-patch, white eyes and  orangeyellow cere visible from close quarters; in flight, a pale shoulder-patch from above; from below, the pale underside of roundish wings against a darkish body distinctive. Solitary or scattered pairs; seen on exposed perches, trees, poles or telegraph wires; seems to prefer certain sites; soars high and does aerial displays when breeding.

Crested Serpent Eagle

Sexes alike; female larger. Dark brown plumage; roundish, pied crest, visible when erected; pale brown below, finely spotted white; in overhead flight, the dark body, white bars along the wings and white tail-band confirm identity; characteristic call. Solitary or in pairs, flying over forest, often very high, calling frequently; perches on leafy branches; swoops down on prey, snatching it in its talons; raises crest when alarmed.

Black Kite

Sexes alike. Dark brown plumage; forked tail, easily seen in flight; underparts faintly streaked. The Black-eared Kite M. m. lineatus breeds in Himalaya and winters in N and C India, is slightly larger and has a conspicuous white patch on the underwing, visible in overhead flight. Common and gregarious; most  common near humans, thriving on the refuse generated, often amidst most crowded localities; roosts communally.

Black-winged Kite

Sexes alike. Pale greywhite plumage, whiter on head, neck and underbody; short black stripe through eye; black shoulder-patches and wing-tips distinctive at rest and in flight; blood-red eyes. Young: upper body tinged brown, with pale edges to feathers. Usually solitary or in pairs; rests on exposed perch or flies over open scrub and grass country; mostly hunts on wing, regularly hovering like a kestrel to scan ground; drops height to check when hovering, with legs held ready.

Oriental Honey-buzzard

Sexes alike. Slender head and longish neck distinctive; tail rarely fanned. Highly variable phases. Mostly darkish brown above; crest rarely visible; pale brown underbody, with narrow whitish bars; pale underside of wings barred; broad dark subterminal tail-band; two or three more bands on tail; tarsus unfeathered. Solitary or in pairs, perched on forest trees or flying; often enters villages and outskirts of small towns.